Hora Est!

“Hora est (it is time) has been announced” said the Chairman Prof. Anderson, “Meaning, I hereby close the Ph.D. defense meeting”.
On January 10 around 17:00, I successfully defended my Ph.D dissertation titled: “Design, Modeling, and Control Strategies for Soft Robots”. It was an amazing journey, and the defense was actually “fun”. The public discussions with the committee were thought-provoking, engaging, and most importantly, it was sprinkled with (scientific) humor. And to top it all off, it was given the honorary distinction Cum Laude!
What an unforgettable day!
My utmost gratitude to my promoters Prof. Henk Nijmeijer and Dr. Sasha Pogromsky for their continuous support, the committee including: Prof. Patrick Anderson, Prof. Jaan den Toonder, Prof Gijs Krijnen, Dr. Bas Overvelde, and Prof. Anibal Ollero; to my family and friends, and my caring, ever-supporting girlfriend. Without them, my journey would have been a lot less exciting and memorable!